Field Elementary currently offers a Spanish-English Bilingual Immersion Program from TK to 5th grade that is a 90/10 two-way immersion model. Students who attend Field Elementary Dual Immersion School will learn to read, write, and speak in Spanish and English.
If you live outside of our neighborhood boundaries, the enrollment options choice program will begin accepting applications October 1, 2020 through November 13, 2020. The November deadlines applies to first, second, third, and fourth grade students. Applications for incoming transitional kindergarteners (TK) and kindergarteners will continue to be accepted until the first day of instruction or until classes reach capacity. Don't wait to enroll your child at Field Elementary!
"Choice applications must be submitted online at https://www.sandiegounified.org/school-choice-application . If families are unable to access the online application, they should contact the Neighborhood Schools and Enrollment Options Office at 619-260-2410, send an email to [email protected], or contact any school for assistance. The priority application deadline is November 13. After that date, any applications received are processed in time/date order of receipt."
If interested, please contact the front office (858) 800-5900 to schedule a school tour.