
Research on 50:50 vs 90:10 models

Comparing the achievement of students in 90/10 and 50/50 models, Lindholm-Leary (2001) found that by Grades 7-8, English language learners and native English-speaking students scored similarly to their peers of the same language and economic backgrounds on achievement tests in English. When achievement was measured in Spanish, students in 90/10 programs scored higher than students in 50/50 programs. Thus, more instructional time spent in Spanish positively affected achievement in Spanish and had no negative effect on achievement measured in English.
------Center for Applied Linguistics

How well do native English speakers do?

20 years of program evaluations & research in the US and Canada are consistent in demonstrating that results for English speakers are similar in 1-way & 2-way immersion/dual language:

  • English speakers develop proficiency in 2 languages.
  • English speakers score as well as or better than their English speaking non dual language peers in English-only instruction on standardized tests of math & language arts in English.
  • English speakers develop positive sense of self & multicultural competencies.

-----Dr. Kathryn Lindholm-Leary

How well do English Language Learners do?

  • Primary language instruction in EL programs promotes higher level of reading in English (Genesee et al., 2006; Thomas and Collier, 2002; Snipes, Soga, & Uro, 2007; August & Shanahan, 2006)
  • Instruction in and of the L1 is more effective than English-only and leads to faster academic growth (Snipes, Soga, & Uro, 2007; August & Shanahan, 2006)
  • ELs and native English speakers in dual immersion programs do as well or better than their peers in other program models (Genesee et al., 2006; Thomas and Collier, 2002)
  • Proficiency in two or more languages enhances educational and cognitive development (Thomas and Collier, 2002; Snipes, Soga, & Uro, 2007; August & Shanahan, 2006)

The Benefits of Being Bilingual

"It was once thought that learning a second language too early could inhibit a child's acquisiton of a primary language. However, new research suggests that our brains are actually strengthened by speaking more than one language." -----Abc News Video

New Study Shows it Pays to be Bilingual in U.S.

When applying for a job, finding a way to separate one's self from the pack is critical. A recent study by the Civil Rights Project at UCLA and the Educational Testing Service found those of immigrant backgrounds who are bilingual have the upper hand in the job market.

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