Category A Volunteer:
Visitors or guests who enter a school for a one-time event.
This person has no unsupervised exposure or contact with children. Typical examples include Jog-A-Thon, Read Across America guest reader, Principal for a Day participant, guest/resource speaker, one-time volunteer for school or classroom event, or other day of guest-type activity. Parents who attend school to eat lunch or to participate in a parent involvement activity such as "Family Friday" with their child(ren) are also considered visitors or guests. No need to complete a volunteer application. Must sign-in at the office upon arrival and departure and be able to show ID.
Category B Volunteer:
Volunteers with supervised and unsupervised contact with children in an open and public setting, participating with children in school wide activities, or in a classroom setting.
This means persons who assist with field trips, classroom tutoring, and classroom assistance. May have no solitary time with students, and always within an unobstructed view. Must complete a volunteer application form with each current school year. Must sign in at the office upon arrival and departure.
Category B volunteers must provide:
- Proof of TB clearance.
- Valid government-issued identification, and
- Be checked by school personnel on the Megan's Law website.